Mathematics 1 2kl learn to solve logic puzzles Matematika 1 2kl Uchimsya reshat logicheskie zadachi

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9785001570257, 9785001571148, 9785090845038, 9785090901369, 9785418000217, 9785418000941, 9785418001993, 9785418002228, 9785418003928, 9785418005991, 9785418007179, 9785418008411, 9785418009494, 9785418009500, 9785418010520, 9785418010971, 9785418012814, 9785418014276, 9785418014849, 9785893084559, 9785893086171, 9785893088489

Weight 125 gr

Pages 48

Year of production 2012

Binding мягкий