Progulki po Srebrianomu Veku: Doma i Sud"by[Strolling over the Silver Age: Houses and people]

This book is about the life and works of the 13 best known poets of the 20th century: A. Akhmatova, A. Belyi, A. Blok, S. Esenin, N. Gumilev, V. Khlebnikov, V. Khodasevich, M. Kuzmin, V. Maiakovskii, O. Mandel"shtam, I. Severianin, F. Sologub, and M. Voloshin. The author not only found interesting documents and memoirs about these poets but also identified the places they lived and stayed in St. Petersburg which were reflected in their poems and/or were significant in their lives. This book is the literary script for the TV cycle "Unknown pages of the Silver Age" in 60 episodes.