Barack Obama"s "Ultimate End Game": And the Imposition of Obamacare - When Political Payback and a President"s Legacy Ambitions Consume the Decision-Making Process

Price 17.95 - 28.39 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781432758370

Pages 310

Year of production 2011

Is Winning a Second Presidential Term Really Barack Obama"s "Ultimate End Game"? Considering twelve specific events - with foreign policy implications - that have occurred during the first 18 months of the Obama Presidency, there is one common thread that emerges suggesting a recurring potential political motivation beyond just President Obama"s desire to serve a second Presidential term. And, if so, the American people have a right to know it before the 2012 Presidential Election. The Voters can then decide for themselves whether they are concerned or not as to what degree Barack Obama"s attitudes and judgment regarding U.S. foreign policy issues - as President of the United States - may be influenced or constrained by his "Ultimate End Game" and, potentially, conflict with America"s best self-interests. Supplanting ObamaCare Regarding meaningful Health Care Reform, although professing that The Will of The People was paramount, President Obama consciously made no Health Care decision that, at all, conflicted with the interests of his two biggest campaign donors - Trial Lawyers and Unions - or his own prospects for re-election in 2012. In fact, even at the risk and on the verge of a failed Presidency that a defeat on Health Care would bring (as the bar previously set by the Democrats themselves), President Obama still refused, in reality, to even consider compromising on either Health Care Premium Price Competition across state lines - a non-starter with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) - or Tort Reform - the bane of all Trial Lawyers. But, exactly why would President Obama insist on taking such a risk? It is not that the Obama Administration is, by any means, the first and only Presidential administration to be influenced by political interest groups or the political consequences of their actions. However, this book chronicles the pervasive extent to which the priority interests of Labor Unions and Trial Lawyers enveloped the Presidential decision-making process within the Obama Administration - to the detriment of The Will of The People. The Optimal Health Care Solution However, through just a single change in the tax law (as detailed and recommended herein), President Obama not only could have accomplished comprehensive Health Care Reform, but simultaneously achieved both 1) Health Care premium cost control as well as 2) meaningful Medical Provider cost reduction and containment - neither tenet of which was addressed in the ObamaCare legislation as passed. Nor would this simple tax law change necessitate - as does ObamaCare - the pervasive government control of one-sixth of the U.S economy; dictating the creation of more than 120 separate new federal bureaucracies, agencies and boards and the hiring of tens of thousands of additional federal government employees to staff and run them at an average lifetime cost of $4 million per new federal employee hired. Finally, in dissecting ObamaCare, an extensive analysis was performed of 1) the additional budgetary ramifications of deals struck by Congressional Democrats - with President Obama"s blessing - to subsequently pass ObamaCare; 2) obvious Health Care expenses not included (e.g. The "Doctor Fix") and 3) the $500 Billion in unrealistic and virtually unattainable cost savings offsets pertaining to the recovery of Fraudulent Medicare payments and waste. Revealingly, this analysis disclosed that, in actuality, the ultimate cost of ObamaCare balloons well beyond $3 Trillion - more than three times the CBO estimate of $940 Billion.