The Deception and Betrayal Caused By A Cheating Spouse
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New relationships, marriages, and courtships are usually fun and exciting until something goes wrong. Being personally violated by a loved one is one of the deepest wounds to be cut with. You believe something like this will never happen to you until it does. Please learn that if you are the individual who has been violated, you did nothing wrong. When an affair develops those involved may use excuses and untruths to validate their actions. Also, if exposed or confronted some may not want to be held accountable for their behavior or pay any consequences. This is not in every case that is why I am saying only some. Violated relationships can either dissolve permanently or can mend over time. For those that mend it takes a lot of time, patience and understanding. Broken trust is the hardest aspect to earn again. A very important lesson I am hoping to teach my readers is if you are in a relationship with someone and are tempted to be with someone else, you end the relationship you are currently in and then move on. You have no right to cheat and hurt another human being.