Leadership Responsibility (New International Studies in Applied Ethics)
Price 58.95 - 85.67 USD
Scholarly consensus on the relationship of the "Letter to the Hebrews" to the "Old Testament" is far from universal or uniform. This book aims to address this area in Hebrews scholarship, which is lacking a critical account of the dependence of Hebrews on the "Old Testament", especially Leviticus, in constructing a meaningful text. The book examines how the author of Hebrews uses the textual levitical tabernacle theme to construct the central motif of the heavenly tabernacle in Hebrews. In analysing the ways in which Hebrews relates to the "Old Testament", the author makes use of literary theorist Gerard Genette"s concepts of transtextuality and transformation. These concepts help set in relief the variegated textual relationships Hebrews has with the "Old Testament" in general, and Leviticus in particular, and the transformations that are central to constituting meaning in Hebrews.