Loads More Lies to Tell Small Kids
Price 11.05 - 20.78 USD
Loads more laughs?from the man who put the funny in Bunny Suicides Just when you were about to run out of lies to tell small children, the creator of the bestselling Bunny Suicides books is back with more wickedly funny falsehoods for the truly twisted. Each hilarious cartoon tells a tall tale guaranteed to trouble guileless minds and crack up the grown- ups. So, find yourself a wide-eyed youngster and ask: Did you know . . . ? If you rub two redheaded kids together, you can make fire ? Your dad?s got one nipple and two belly buttons ? If you drop a tooth in a glass of Coke, after a day it becomes a white butterfly ? French people eat croissants?and poo baguettes ? If you cut a badger in half with an axe it turns into two chipmunks If Andy Riley believed in wearing pants, they?d be on fire right now! For the inner child and pathological liar in all of us, Loads More Lies is truly hysterical.