Hail to the Chiefs: Presidential Mischief, Morals, & Malarkey from George W. to George W.

Price 18.17 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780517229958

Pages 272

Year of production 2007

This fun, completely up-to-date compendium presents the highlights and lowlights from the careers of our 43 Chief Executives, from George Washington to George W. Bush. Presidents are actually human beings under the mutton-chop whiskers and behind the bulging waistcoats. Barbara Holland offers anecdotes both endearing and appalling to etch these leaders into our memories. Did you know...? • Franklin Pierce, "the hero of many a well-fought battle," frequently fell off his horse. • Thomas Jefferson invented the pedometer, the dumbwaiter, the lazy Susan, and the swivel chair, and also introduced brussels sprouts to America. • Theodore Roosevelt put prospective Cabinet members and new ambassadors through a challenging physical fitness test and obstacle course, which he designed himself.