The Detection of Malingered Mental Retardation: A Study of Simulation in High- and Low-CognitiveAbility Individuals

Price 44.39 - 104.78 USD

book24.ru44.39 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783639066890


Weight 110 gr

Pages 68

Year of production 2008

The detection of malingering is an area of researchthat has received increasing attention in recentdecades. Additionally, given the decision of the U.S.Supreme court in Atkins v. Virginia (2002), incentiveto feign mental retardation in order to avoid capitalpunishment has greatly increased. However, fewmeasures of malingering detection have beenthoroughly studied for their applicability tomentally retarded individuals, and for their abilityto accurately distinguish between malingerers, normalcontrols, and individuals with mental retardation.The current study sought to examine the utility ofthe Bender Gestalt Test as a screening device todetermine the validity of claimed intellectualdisability. Additionally, high- and low-cognitiveability groups were compared on their ability tosuccessfully malinger on a variety of other commoneffort assessment measures, including the Test ofMemory-Malingering, the Fifteen-Item Test, and theDot Counting Test.