Residential Design Using AutoCAD 2007

Price 59.50 - 95.13 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781585032884

Pages 428

Year of production 2006

This textbook starts with a basic introduction to AutoCAD 2007 and then begins a house floor plan. Using step-by-step tutorial lessons, the residential project is followed through to create elevations, sections, details, etc. Throughout the project, new AutoCAD commands are covered at the appropriate time. Focus is placed on the most essential parts of a command rather than an exhaustive review of every sub-feature of a particular command. Table of Contents 1. GETTING STARTED WITH AUTOCAD 2007 2. CRASH COURSE INTRODUCTION (The Basics) 3. DRAWING ARCHITECTURAL OBJECTS (Draw & Modify) 4. Residential Project: FLOOR PLANS 5. Residential Project: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 6. Residential Project: SECTIONS 7. Residential Project: Plan Layout & Interior Elevations 8. Residential Project: Site Plan 9. Residential Project: Schedules & Sheet Setup 10. Residential Project: Lineweights & Plotting 11. Appendix A: Introduction to 3D Modeling