Choices in Deafness: A Parents" Guide to Communication Options

Price 16.47 - 41.94 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781890627737


Producer Woodbine House

Pages 400

Year of production 2007

CHOICES IN DEAFNESS, since 1987 the preeminent guide to communication options, is now extensively revised and expanded to provide the complete scope of information parents of children with deafness or hearing loss need. From assessment and diagnosis to medical/audiological treatments, and from the latest types of cochlear implants and procedures to education and technology devices, this new edition presents a balance of research, guidance, and insight from experts and families. Seven new chapters plus an audio CD cover: UNIVERSAL NEWBORN SCREENING (implemented in 38 states, this required screening detects hearing loss much earlier, and has doubled the number of children found to have hearing loss); AUDITORY NEUROPATHY (a cause of hearing loss where the timing of sound is seriously disrupted, and which has only recently been understood); GENETIC CAUSES OF DEAFNESS (describes genetic testing and counseling in light of research that shows over 60% of deafness in children is due to genetic or hereditary causes); THE TRANSFORMATION OF DREAMS (explores a shift in emotional outlook experienced by a parent/clinical psychologist upon learning her child is deaf); IDENTIFYING A PROGRAM OF EXCELLENCE (what to look for in an education program for your child in addition to the chosen communication option); COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (services and devices that let deaf people communicate via phone, cell phone, Internet, video); MAKING IT IN COLLEGE (personal accounts of four students about how they communicate and socialize at college); WHAT HEARING LOSS SOUNDS LIKE (a seven-minute audio CD depicts what speech sounds like as it simulates how hearing loss can affect pitch, loudness, and timing). As in the previous edition, CHOICES IN DEAFNESS presents five unbiased approaches to communication--Auditory-Verbal, ASL-English Bilingual, Cued Speech, Auditory-Oral, and Total Communication--and provides parents" first-person accounts of what it"s like to use a specific method.