The Big Book of Abs
Price 17.08 - 40.03 USD
Want rock hard abs, in five weeks, but need to get motivated? No worry. The editors of fitness authority, Muscle & Fitness magazine provide a five week plan as well as tips and strategies to get, and stay motivated. There are over 70 workout routines presented with full color photos to guide you in the best possible way to achieve your goal of that tight "six-pack." Week-by-week there are easy to follow workouts demonstrated to get you on your fitness plan. And for variation of routine and fine-tuning your body definition there"s a further 56 best moves. Throughout all the fitness routines presented there are informative tips and fast facts to make sure you are performing the exercise in the safest and most effective manner. No workout program would be complete without instruction in nutrition to ensure your body is getting the proper mix of protein or carbohydrates just when it needs them. There"s no skimping here as you receive all you need to know about, what to eat, what to avoid, and when to eat. So stop dreaming and start doing to create the rock hard body that is within you. It"s only five weeks to your goal.