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ReadHowYouWant publishes a wide variety of best selling books in Large Print and Super Large Print formats in partnership with leading publishers. EasyRead books are available in 11pt and 13pt. type. EasyRead Large books are available in 16pt, 16pt Bold, and 18pt Bold type. EasyRead Super Large books are available in 20pt. Bold and 24pt. Bold Type. You choose the format that is right for you. Each book in ENERGY FOR THE FUTURE AND GLOBAL WARMING explores key concepts and issues related to energy availability, production, and use - and explains the impact of energy use on global climate. The eight volumes feature easy-to-read text accessible to a wide range of students, vivid photos, and clear, easy-to-understand illustrations and diagrams. This series will serve as a comprehensive and indispensable resource for anyone interested in the energy prospects for our future needs. The Sun releases more energy in one minute than humans have used since the beginning of time. In Solar Power, readers will discover the different ways we can convert solar energy to electricity. To find more titles in your Large Print or Super Large Print format, Search in Books using EasyRead and the size of the font that makes reading easier and more enjoyable for you.