Organized Opportunities: Risk Management in Financial Services Operations

Price 39.96 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 3527502408, 9783527502400


Producer Wiley-VCH

Pages 256

Year of production 2007

Organized Opportunities addresses core aspects of integrating risk-based decision-making and optimization techniques in the design and management of industrialized financial services operations. Employing modified project risk and industrial risk management methods, the author derives valuable practical guidance for mega-project unbundling; business process and work flow optimization; risk-based organizational redesigns to enable complex financial products in risk factories and credit factories; and the identification of sensible performance benchmarks for the risk-adjusted management of teams and resources. Organized Opportunities provides food for thought and real life examples of how these additions to the method toolkit for financial services can be employed to turn enterprise-wide risk management into an opportunity enabler.