OECD Fiscal Federalism Studies Reforming Fiscal Federalism and Local Government: Beyond the Zero-Sum Game

This book describes and examines reforms of fiscal federalism and local government in 10 OECD countries implemented over the past decade. The country chapters identify common patterns and factors that are conducive to reforms of the intergovernmental fiscal framework, using a common methodological approach. The summary chapter highlights the cross-cutting issues emerging from the country chapters and shows the key factors in the institutional, political, economic and fiscal areas that are supporting reform success. The reports approach results in valuable insights for policy makers designing, adopting and implementing fiscal federalism and local government reforms.Table of Content :Executive summary Chapter 1. Reforming fiscal relations: Going beyond the zero-sum game -Introduction-The reform context-Timing and scope -Designing the reform process Chapter 2. Australia: The Intergovernmental Agreement on Federal Financial Relations -Summary -Context of the reform-The reform process-ConclusionsChapter 3. Austria: The reform of the fiscal equalisation law -Summary -Context of the reform-The reform process-ConclusionsChapter 4. Belgium: The Lambermont Agreement-Summary-Context of the reform-The reform process-ConclusionsChapter 5. Canada: The equalisation reform -Summary-Context of the reform-The reform process-ConclusionsChapter 6. Denmark: The Local Government Reform -Summary -Context of the reform-The reform process.-The Reform Process-Conclusions Chapter 7. Finland: Restructuring local government and services -Summary -Context of the reform-The reform process-Conclusions Chapter 8. Italy: Law 42 on fiscal federalism -Summary -Context of the reform-The reform process-ConclusionsChapter 9. Portugal: The reform of the Local Finance Law -Summary Context of the reform -The reform process-Conclusion Chapter 10. Spain: Reforming the funding of Autonomous Communities -Summary -Reform context and exogenous factors-The reform process-Dealing with stakeholders-ConclusionsChapter 11. Switzerland: The new fiscal equalisation and responsability assignment framework -Summary-Context of the reform-The reform process-Conclusions Institutions visited