Structured Products Volume 2: Equity; Commodity; Credit and New Markets (The Das Swaps and Financial Derivatives Library) (Wiley Finance)

Structured Products Volume 2 consists of 5 Parts and 21 Chapters covering equity derivatives (including equity swaps/options, convertible securities and equity linked notes) , commodity derivatives (including energy, metal and agricultural derivatives), credit derivatives (including credit linked notes/collateralised debt obligations ("CDOs")), new derivative markets (including inflation linked derivatives and notes, insurance derivatives, weather derivatives, property, bandwidth/telephone minutes, macro-economic index and emission/environmental derivatives ) and tax based applications of derivatives. It also covers the structure and evolution of derivative markets including electronic trading markets and the origins, evolution and prospects for derivative markets.EQUITY LINKED STRUCTURES1 Equity Derivatives - Equity Futures; Equity Options/Warrants & Equity Swaps2 Convertible Securities3 Structured Convertible Securities4 Equity Linked Notes5 Equity Derivatives - Investor Applications6 Equity Capital Management - Corporate Finance Applications of Equity DerivativesCOMMODITY LINKED STRUCTURES7 Commodity Derivatives - Commodity Futures/Options, Commodity Swaps and Commodity Linked Notes8 Commodity Derivatives - Energy (Oil, Natural Gas and Electricity) Markets9 Commodity Derivatives - Metal Markets10 Commodity Derivatives - Agricultural and Other MarketsCREDIT DERVIATIVES11 Credit Derivative Products12 Credit Linked Notes/Collateralised Debt Obligations13 Credit Derivatives/Default Risk - Pricing and Modelling14 Credit Derivatives - Applications/MarketsNEW MARKETS15 Inflation Indexed Notes and Derivatives16 Alternative Risk Transfer/Insurance Derivatives17 Weather Derivatives18 New Markets - Property; Bandwidth; Macro-Economic and Environmental Derivatives19 Tax and Structured Derivatives TransactionsEVOLUTION OF DERIVATIVES MARKETS20 Electronic Markets and Derivatives Trading21 Financial Derivatives - Evolution and Prospects