The People"s Business: Controlling Corporations and Restoring Democracy

More than ever before, large corporations wield an unjustifiably excessive influence over every aspect of life - economic, political, social, cultural, and environmental - feeding a rabid consumer culture that harms the environment, undermines a shared sense of national prosperity, and threatens ideals of a citizen-powered democracy. A lively and engaging mandate to fight back against corporate dominance, The People"s Business examines the very nature of corporate power, presenting a range of strategies to curtail it, and explaining how ordinary people can restore citizen control. Bringing together a coalition of leading authors, activists, scholars, and professionals, this book serves as a vital, clearheaded plan for strengthening individual rights, transforming corporations into engines of public prosperity, and creating a sustainable, life-respecting society where the people have the power. The book features an introduction by Ralph Nader.