Integrity at Work: Finding Your Ethical Compass in a Post-Enron World
Price 21.45 USD
Ethics in the workplace isn"t just a matter of corporate litigation and big companies. Those on the job are faced daily with ethical decisions at work--large and small. How can Christians maintain godly integrity at work, especially when the pressure is often so strong to do otherwise? Here is a realistic, practical resource that tackles these issues head-on. The heart of the book is a biblically based compass for doing the right thing in any workplace situation, spelled out in the acrostic: E xamine the facts T ruth H esitate I dentify greater good C onsider S tand for God The authors demonstrate how this compass can be applied, using situations from the life of Daniel. This helpful and practical book covers common ethical dilemmas faced in today"s workplace and is perfect for anyone who works, from the CEO on down.