Istoriia Otechestvennoi Zhurnalistiki: 1917-2000: Uchebnyi Komplekt: Uchebnoe Posobie, Khrestomatiia
This is a reader and the first textbook in journalism for students of Moscow University that contains articles from Soviet newspapers and magazines from the revolution of 1917 to the collapse of the USSR. The aim of the reader is twofold: first, to represent the socio-political realities of the period, and positions which were not available for many years to a Russian audience; the second, to better understand development trends and government regulation of journalism and propaganda. Among the authors of this book are: N. Bukharin, V. Bunin, A. Fadeev, V. Grossman, L. Kamenev, M. Kol"tsov, G. Krunin, N. Krupskaia, A. Platonov, G. Plekhanov, K. Radek, F. Raskol"nikov, L. Reisner, M. Riutin, K. Simonov, L. Sosnovskii, L. Trotskii, M. Sholokhov, G. Zinov"ev, A. Zorich, and many others. Commentary. Every chapter contains a historical introduction and questions for self-checking.