Zubov, AV, Zubov II Fundamentals of artificial intelligence for linguists A manual for high school students studying for a degree in theoretical and applied linguistics. It may be useful for graduate students and faculty / Zubov A.V., Zubova I.I. Osnovy iskusstvennogo intellekta dlya lingvistov Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, obuchayushchikhsya po spetsialnosti Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya lingvistika . Mozhet byt polezno dlya aspirantov i prepodavateley

Price 3.78 - 5.45 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9785987041185

Weight 362 gr

Pages 320

Year of production 2007

Binding 84x108/32