Massazh dlya vashego malysha. Kak pravilno sdelat massazh rebenku pervogo goda zhizni

Learn soothing massage techniques with this easy-to-use stand-up guide As studies show and parents can attest, baby massage can encourage bonding between parents and children, soothe fussiness, and even encourage growth. The benefits of baby massage are by now well knownâ?the real question that remains for parents is: How exactly do I do it? Written by an experienced baby massage therapist (and parent), this guide shows parents how to massage their babies with love and tenderness. Helpful photographs demonstrate the precise placement of the hands and easy-to-follow instructions explain the benefits of massage for legs, arms, and bodies. Special massages are included to calm your baby to sleep, comfort fussing, relieve tummy troubles, and relax your baby after a bath. The stand-up format will allow parents to follow the instructions while keeping their hands free to interact with their babies.