Law Attraction Zakon prityazheniya

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781401904593, 9781401912277, 9785944302182, 9785944321503, 9785944327512, 9785944350831, 9785944351210, 9785944351746, 9785944351760, 9785944355768, 9785944355911, 9785944355928, 9785944355935, 9785944355942, 9785944356840, 9785944357632, 9785944393371, 9785944435965, 9785944438515, 9785944439178, 9785944440310, 9785944450807, 9785944452689, 9785944452696, 9785957311737, 9785957316992, 9785957322344, 9785957324355, 9785957324362

Producer ИГ "Весь"

Weight 160 gr

Pages 896

Year of production 2011

Binding 84x108/32

Abraham, channeled through Esther Hicks, explains the "law of attraction" and how to make it work to one"s advantage, showing how to work toward doing, being, or having what is desired.