The Perfect Matrimony (Russian Edition)

The Perfect Matrimony contains a complete introduction to the profound and beautiful mystical knowledge from which all the world"s great religions have blossomed: Gnosis. When first published it was the first public revelation of the esoteric teachings of Alchemy, Tantrism, Kabbalah, and the Mysteries of the Mayans, Aztecs, Egyptians, Tibetans, Eleusians, Essenes, and many more.One of the main aspects that this book covers is Sexual Magic. Sexual magic is explained as the synthesis of all religions. From the introduction of the 1960 edition: Sexual magic is practiced in esoteric Christianity. Sexual magic is practiced in Zen Buddhism. Sexual magic is practiced amongst the Initiated Yogis. Sexual magic is practiced amongst the Mohammedan Sufis. Sexual magic was practiced in the Initiatic Colleges of Troy, Egypt, Rome, Carthage, Eleusis. Sexual magic was practiced by the mysterious Maya, Aztec, Inca, Druids, etc. The author presents a wide selection of religion and mystery schools from esoteric viewpoints, highlighting data traditionally thought to be unimportant, or otherwise understood in an unrelated manner. The primary message is that correct sexuality, exemplified through sexual magic, is the cornerstone upon which all authentic religions and spiritual paths are based. The Perfect Matrimony is a complex yet easy to understand discourse on how to transform the sexual energy into its superior aspects via sexual transmutation. It states that there are three types of Sexual Magic, or Tantra: Black, Grey, and White - and that the only acceptable sexuality is White Tantra.