The Convoluted Universe - Book Three (Convoluted Universe)
Price 12.24 - 34.09 USD
JOIN DOLORES CANNON, AND LET US GO EXPLORING! Join us on a voyage through time and space into the world of the strange and unusual and unfathomable, as hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon s Convoluted Universe series continues. Suspend belief as you explore worlds and dimensions where your dreams become reality and your reality is only a dream. Open your mind to a myriad of possibilities that have previously only dwelt in the imagination. More mind-bending concepts for those with open minds and eager curiosities. * Other lives as animals, plants and in strange, otherworldly bodies. * Everything is alive. Everything has consciousness. * Help from beings of faraway worlds. * The three waves of volunteers who are coming to help the world go through its transition. * What is God? The true nature of God or the Source, where all come from and all must go back to. * Lifetimes as Creators of universes, the Earth and everything on it. * Different laws of creation and physics where universes obey other rules. * The New Earth and the effects on our bodies as we move into it.. * Who will be left behind when the Earth moves into the next dimension. * A totally new alternative to a walk-in. * The Final Solution Energy that can destroy the world if it becomes necessary.