Relationship Among Qualifications, Experience, Gender: Professional Attitudes and Performance of Directors of Physical Education in Administration of Sports Activities

There is a cub-web of so many variables, which interact for promotion of better sports activities. The Directors of Physical Education (DPEs) try to make the environment conducive for the purpose. If the DPEs are inexperienced or low qualified, there may be negative impact on academics & also on organization of sports activities & vice versa. In Pakistan no research has been carried out so far in Physical Education (PE) and Sports, but trends are there to work in the field. A huge amount of PE personnel are entering every year to the profession and a number of institutions are offering PE subject at public and at private level. Having a considerable amount of qualified and experienced personnel in the field, there is a need of further improvement. For improvement in any field, expertise and positive attitudes are needed. So, it was important to determine the extent of professional attitudes and performance of DPEs. The proposed study also aimed to investigate that is there any Relationship of Experiences, Qualifications, Gender, Professional Attitudes, and Performance of DPEs and also the extend of magnitude of the above variables on their teaching and administration of sports.