Football Dynamo

Price 11.10 - 17.47 USD

The birthplace of Tolstoy, Lenin and Lev Yashin, notorious for corruption and political intrigues, modern Russia remains an enigma, seeking to throw off its past and realize its true potential. As the country reinvents itself in the post-Soviet era, isolated by language and culture, politics and geography, an absorbing insight into this most extraordinary of nations can be found in the dramatic story of the decline and rise of Russia"s football. In "Football Dynamo", Marc Bennetts embarks on a quest to find the football managers, oligarchs, players, pundits and fans that define the Russian Premier league, the fastest-growing and most extreme football league in the world. Unwittingly uncovering shocking revelations about racism and hooliganism, but also the true beauty of the game and the nation, Bennetts skilfully decodes the chaos of modern Russia as reflected in its football.