Vospitanie Patriotov: Osoaviakhim i Voennaia Podgotovka Naseleniia v Ural"skoi Provintsii (1927-1941 gg.)[Training patriots: OSOAVIAKHIM and military preparedness of the population in the Ural Provinces (1927-1941)]

Price 6.52 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9785948811383, 9785948811383

Pages 488

Year of production 2010

Binding 60x90/16

The military-patriotic organization OSOAVIAKHIM (DOSAAF, 1927-1948), the Society of Assistance to Defense and Aircraft and Chemistry Industries, was a centralized hierarchical organization with branches all over the USSR. The organization propagated the official soviet patriotism and was responsible for military education and training of citizens between the two world wars. This book studies the history of the creation and functioning of this organization in one soviet region. (0.615 kg.)