The Constitution of the United Kingdom: A Contextual Analysis (Constitutional Systems of the World)
Price 22.75 USD
This is the first book in the new series Constitutional Systems of the World and as such inaugurates what is set to become an invaluable resource for all students and teachers of constitutional law and politics. First, the book offers an outline of the principles and doctrines which make up the United Kingdom constitution, set out in sufficient detail for anyone coming to the subject for the first time to develop a clear and informed view of how the constitution is arranged and works. This outline includes a description of the history, sources, and nature of the constitution, followed by chapters dealing with the electoral system, legislature and law making, executive powers and accountability, the constitutional role of courts, the protection of rights, and the distribution of power between the local, central, and European levels. Second, the book provides an analytical discussion of the development of the constitution, its strengths and perceived weaknesses, and the on-going reforms aimed at modernizing the UK constitution.