What You Need to Know about Business

Business is big. Actually, it"s often small and medium-sized too. But the point is that it matters – a lot.This book is designed to answer all those confusing questions that flit through your mind when you get to the business pages of the paper, and stop you being embarrassed in job interviews.It explains the things you really need to know about business, and will tell you:What the point of business isHow what happens in the economy affects real businessesWhat the law means for businessFinance, accounting, shares, bonds etc and other big numbersHow companies grow and why the merge (even though most mergers fail)What HR departments actually do all dayTime management, motivation, leadership, communication skills and all the other skills you"ll need if you want to know what the view"s like from the CEO"s officeAfter reading it, you"ll smile knowingly whenever the advantages of outsourcing, balanced scorecards or Porter"s 5 Ps come up in polite conversation.