NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2010, Volume 7 (National Bureau of Economic Research International Seminar on Macroeconomics)
Price 39.40 - 110.03 USD
The NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics brings together leadingAmerican and European economists to discuss a broad range of current issues inglobal macroeconomics. An international companion to the more American-focused NBERMacroeconomics Annual, this particular volume offers cutting-edge research onmonetary and fiscal policy responses to macroeconomic fluctuations, with specialemphasis on tailoring a single monetary policy for the diverse economies that makeup the European Monetary Union. The individual papers examine such topics as whetherrule-based monetary policy should target price levels or inflation rates; how muchcyclical correlation across countries can be attributed to transmission betweenmultinational companies and their international affiliates; the different effects ofmonetary policy in high-debt and low-debt countries; and the prospects for the ten2004 entrants to the European Union, based on the experiences of EU entrants of the1980s.