The Investor"s Manifesto: Preparing for Prosperity, Armageddon, and Everything in Between
A proven investment approach that maximizes returns over time Simply put, investing is a difficult endeavor-especially for those with little professional experience in this arena. Only now, with the market"s recent collapse, has this become apparent. With the current market maelstrom as a background, this timely guide describes just how to plan a lifetime of investing, discussing stocks and bonds as well as the relationship between risk and return. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, Investing for the Ages will help you understand the nuts and bolts of executing a lifetime investment plan, including: how to survive dealing with the investment industry, the practical meaning of market efficiency, how much to save, how to maintain discipline in the face of panics and manias, and what vehicles to use to achieve financial security and freedom. * Written by William J. Bernstein, a leading light in the world of investing * Examines how the financial landscape has radically altered in the past two years, and what investors should do about it * Contains practical insights that the everyday investor can understand * Focuses on the concept of Pascal"s Wager-identifying and avoiding worst-case scenarios With Investing for the Ages as your guide, you"ll quickly discover the timeless investment approaches that can put you in a better position to profit over time.