Broken Gates

Whatever one does throughout his or her life is hard to be defined as good or bad as it appears to be, or how much impact it had on anything, in a sense that it will be remembered and appreciated. It has been said that whatever one’s life had left behind is worthwhile, but ironically most of the people don’t leave anything behind themselves. Therefore are they less valuable than others? There are also people that leave too much behind themselves, and that is not necessary in a good way. History is full of manmade disasters, pain, and suff ering. Most people that sacrifi ce everything in life for a moment of happiness for themselves or others do not even think of fame or gratitude, they just think that was the right thing to do. This book is about my life experience; it is also about the human sacrifice, the life as we know it, and about the tens of thousands of people that lived similar experiences but not necessarily with the same outcome.