Adoptable Dog: Teaching Your Adopted Pet to Obey, Trust, and Love You

Unbelievably, there has never been a comprehensive training-and-care guide written for the adopted or "pre-owned" dog. Manuals abound for the puppy, even for the needs of the adult or mature dog, but Adoptable Dog promises to be the standard work for this exploding population. John Ross and Barbara McKinney, authors of the best-selling Puppy Preschool, provide a biscuit-to-basket guide for every kind of adoptable dog -- the older puppy, the overactive or unhousebroken adult dog, the shelter pooch, or even the mature canine in need of one last, loving home. The authors provide reliable advice on: -- determining which dog is right for which home: -- finding and using reputable breed associations, rescue organizations, and pounds; -- helping the dog to get along with children and older adults, and other pets; -- retraining approaches for curing obsessive barking, separation anxiety, housebreaking problems, and fear biting. -- overcoming the scars of previous abuse.Adoptable Dog is sure to an essential book for anyone thinking of adopting an adult dog.