A Generation Betrayed: Deconstructing Catholic Education in the English-Speaking World

Confronting error and falsehood in today"s Catholic education environment. Modern American Catholic education has been inexorably impacted by Thomas Groome"s Shared Christian Praxis and Elizabeth Shussler-Fiorenza"s Feminist Theology of Liberation. Their writings and theories have affected many aspects of Catholic education and impeded the proper implementation of the Cathechism of the Catholic Church. Now, in this brilliant analysis, Eamonn Keane exposes the doctrinal error, false logic and bad methodology that characterizes their works. Tracing the theological and philosophical influences of Groome and Shussler-Fiorenza, Keane shows how both were led astray to a basic misunderstanding of Church doctrine. He clearly demonstrates the flaws in Shussler-Fiorenza"s methodology and the dubious theological underpinnings of Groome"s pedagogical method. He defends the truth and provides a needed antidote to those in danger of intellectual, religious and moral deception. With a special preface by Fabian W. Bruskewitz, Bishop of the diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, A Generation Betrayed will serve as a clarion call to all American Catholics—and indeed to Catholics throughout the English-speaking world.