Joyful Reading: Differentiation and Enrichment for Successful Literacy Learning, Grades K-8 (Jossey-Bass Teacher)

This book offers teachers a promising alternative to scripted reading programs. Introducing the Schoolwide Enrichment Model for Reading (SEM-R), a model that has been tested in high poverty urban schools as well as in affluent suburban schools, the book shows teachers how to implement a differentiated reading program that works well with all students, high achievers and low achievers alike. Students are encouraged to read independently for a period of time each day while the teacher conferences with students individually. Based on the premise that students do better when given a choice in what they read, the SEM-R program places high importance on matching individual students with appropriately challenging texts along with opportunities to engage in high level thinking and inquiry activities related to their readings. The program enables students to become more motivated and excited about reading, to develop the capacity for reading progressively challenging texts, and ultimately to perform better in reading fluency and comprehension on standardized tests. The book explains how teachers can implement the program in three phases: 1) A Book Hook component in which the teacher reads aloud from a high interest book each day and then models appropriate reading and critical thinking strategies; 2) A Book Choice component in which students are encouraged to select and read progressively challenging books while the teacher consults with them periodically to assess their progress; 3) A Special Interest component in which students are encouraged to conduct independent projects. A bound-in DVD describes how the program works in varied classrooms and schools.