The Organization of Reduction, Data Flow, and Control Flow Systems (Computer Systems)

In light of research over the last decade on new ways of representing and performing computations, this book provides a timely reexamination of computer organization and computer architecture. It systematically investigates the basic organizational concepts of reduction, data flow, and control flow (or state transition) and their relationship to the underlying programming paradigms. For each of these concepts, Kluge looks at how princip1es of language organization translate into architectures and how architectural features translate into concrete system implementations, comparing them in order to identify their similarities and differences. The focus is primarily on a functional programming paradigm based on a full-fledged operational λ-calculus and on its realization by various reduction systems. Kluge first presents a brief outline of the overall configuration of a computing system and of an operating system kernel, introduce elements of the theory of Petrinets as modeling tools for nonsequential systems and processes, and use a simple form of higher-order Petri nets to identify by means of examples the operational and control disciplines that govern the organization of reduction, data flow, and control flow computations. He then introduces the notions of abstract algorithms and of reductions and includes an overview of the theory of the λ-calculus. The next five chapters describe the various computing engines that realize the reduction semantics of a full-fledged λ-calculus. The remaining chapters provide self-contained investigations of the G-machine, SKI combinator reduction, and the data flow approach for implementing the functional programming paradigm. This is followed by a detailed description of a typical control flow (or von Neumann) machine architecture (a VAX11 system). Properties of these machines are summarized in the concluding chapter, which classifies them according to the semantic models they support.