Weight Watchers Weight Loss That Lasts: Break Through the 10 Big Diet Myths (Weight Watchers (Wiley Publishing))

Break through the 10 big diet myths! In this book, renowned expert Dr. James Rippe and Weight Watchers give you the scientific knowledge you need to break through the myths, get off the dieting roller coaster, and shed those pounds for keeps.Believers Beware!MYTH #1 You can"t lose weight and keep it offMYTH #2 A few extra pounds don"t matterMYTH #3 Willpower is the key to successful weight lossMYTH #4 You can lose weight with exercise alone MYTH #5 Calories don"t matter—avoid fats or carbs to lose weight successfullyMYTH #6 You can"t lose weight if you have the wrong metabolism or genesMYTH #7 You can boost your metabolism by what, how, and when you eatMYTH #8 It doesn"t matter how you take the weight off; you can think about keeping it off laterMYTH #9There is only one right approach to losing weightMYTH #10 Your weight is your problem, and you need to solve it on your own"Incisive and refreshing. James Rippe and Weight Watchers expose a series of ten myths pervasive in the weight-loss industry, revealing both the kernels of truth they contain and how they have been misinterpreted and distorted."—Claude Bouchard, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University