MasteringFedoraCore 5

Leverage Fast-Growing Fedora with this Comprehensive GuideHere"s the practical information you need to install, configure, and administer the latest version of Fedora as a network or a desktop operating system. Written by Red Hat Certified Engineer and bestselling author Michael Jang, Mastering Fedora Core 5 contains more than a thousand pages of in-depth coverage, including new installation procedures, the very latest utilities, and high-level discussions of new commands and applications. The book includes a DVD with the full distribution of Fedora Core 5.Coverage IncludesInstalling Linux(r) locally or over a networkWalking through the very first boot processNavigating the command-line interfaceAdministering users and groupsRecompiling a kernelNetworking Linux with TCP/IP and on a LANCreating a local update repositorySecuring your Linux networkConfiguring and troubleshooting FTP, NFS, Samba, and ApacheManaging the X Window System with GNOME, KDE(r), and moreFeatured on the DVDThe DVD contains the full distribution of Fedora Core 5.Master Fedora Core 5 for Networks and DesktopsIncrease Productivity with Detailed Troubleshooting Find Full Instructions for Windows(r) Users Switching to Linux