Creating Web Pages For Dummies (For Dummies (Computers))
Price 28.35 USD
www.yournamehere.comWouldn’t you love to have a Web site? Creating Web Pages For Dummies gets you up and running toward getting your Web site up and running! It describes how to:Use simple HTML techniques, add images, and put your page on the Web for all the world to see—freeDesign Web-friendly sitesTake advantage of free tools like Netscape ComposerUse Yahoo! GeoCities as a free Web space providerObtain and create Web-friendly graphics and use GIF and JPEG formatsAdd video, audio, animation, and moreIncorporate META tags and hyperlinksCreating Web Pages for Dummies was written by Bud E. Smith, author of several For Dummies books, and Arthur Bebak, founder of Netsurfer Communications and publisher and Executive Editor of Netsurfer. From nervously creating that first page to confidently developing a more sophisticated, multi-page, personal or business Web site, the book provides the essential how-to and the bonus CD-ROM provides the essential tools:Mozilla, Mozilla Thunderbird, and Mozilla FirefoxA trial version of Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004Evaluation versions of Paint Shop Pro and Animation ShopWhether you want to create your very own blog, share video, photos, and info with friends and family, or build a dynamic Web site that will help you build your business, Creating Web Pages For Dummies is a practical, unintimidating guide to getting your Web page online in no time.