The 90 Second Lawyer: Answers to Common Personal and Business Legal Questions

Save a great deal of time, aggravation, and money with reliable answers to your legal questions: * How can you manage your elderly parent"s affairs? * Does a do-it-yourself divorce really work? * How can you make a large corporation settle a dispute with you? * How can you make a lawyer work for you on a contingency basis? * What legal action can you take if someone insults you in print? * Should you use arbitration to resolve a dispute? * How do you prepare for a small claims court complaint? In The 90 Second Lawyer, expert advice from real estate broker Robert Irwin and attorney David L. Ganz provides straightforward, reliable answers to commonly asked legal questions, from consumer complaints and contracts, to small business and personal concerns. Whether you"re unsure about fighting a speeding ticket, cosigning a loan, patenting an invention, or filing for bankruptcy, you"ll find solid advice and helpful tips for making sound decisions before taking further action. With clear explanations of relevant laws, proper procedures, possible penalties, and your legal rights, this easy-to-understand self-help guide has the information you want when you need it. Follow the hints and save hundreds of dollars.