The 90 Second Lawyer Guide to Buying Real Estate

Quick and reliable answers to your real estate questions What should you look for in a purchase agreement? How can you cure a default on your mortgage? What are rollover tax rules? How do you appeal zoning laws? How do you use contingency clauses? What do you need to know about the closing? In this easy-to-use guide, real estate broker Robert Irwin and attorney David L. Ganz provide straightforward answers to commonly asked legal questions about real estate. The 90 Second Lawyer Guide to Buying Real Estate covers a myriad of details for the legal, financial, and lucrative aspects of buying property. From purchasing and selling to securing a new mortgage and gaining possession, you"ll find expert help and invaluable tips to aid you in making informed decisions. With clear explanations of relevant laws, possible penalties, and proper procedures, this invaluable "self-help" guide has the information you need to understand your rights, avoid loopholes, and complete successful transactions. It also includes helpful, easy-to-use legal documents.