Client/Server Programming with Java and CORBA

Java and CORBA are merging in cyberspace. Here"s your complete guide to navigating this previously uncharted territory.Whether you"re a seasoned Java programmer, a distributed objects expert, or looking to be a little bit of both, Client/Server Programming with Java and CORBA gives you the programming know-how you need to combine these two technologies into workable client/server solutions for the Object Web.Full of working code, tutorials, and design trade-offs, this one-of-a-kind book: Covers everything from simple ORBs to object activation Uses tutorials and a client/server benchmark to compare CORBA and its competitors—including Java/RMI, Java/DCOM, Sockets, and HTTP/CGI Explains in detail Netscape"s ORB: VisiBroker for Java and shows you how to use Caffeine to write CORBA/Java applications without IDL Provides a Debit-Credit benchmark for JDBC databases used to compare 2-tier vs. 3-tier client/server solutions Includes a Web-based Club Med client/server application using CORBA, Java, JDBC, and applets Shows you how to use CORBA"s dynamic facilities such as callbacks, dynamic invocations, object introspection, and the interface repository Compares the performance of C++ ORBs with Java ORBs Includes a CD-ROM with over 15 Java-based client/server applications