Tourism Management (Wiley Australia Tourism)
Price 48.30 USD
Tourism Management 2nd Edition introduces students to the complexities of the tourism system so that they will be better positioned to eventually assume the managerial challenges and responsibilities in a diverse and challenging industry. As with the first edition, the emphasis is on Australia, but numerous regional and global case studies and examples are included to provide an appropriately broad geographic context. The new edition has been updated to reflect the latest available advancements in tourism theory and thinking, retaining the thoroughness of content and diversity of applications and include more regional and international issues, economic significance, tourism operators and the role of technology in the tourism industry. New to this edition: * New "Technology in Tourism" features highlights the increasing role of technology tools and systems in the tourism industry * Up-to-date Australian and international statistics * Increased coverage of regional tourism issues and initiatives * More coverage of the key tourism players - government, industry and individuals Features: * A thorough discussion of the economic, sociocultural and environmental impacts of tourism * A chapter on sustainable tourism including ecotourism, sustainable mass tourism and industry responses and practives * A chapter on tourism research which introduces students to the function and scope of research in this area * Four practical features in each chapter to illustrate and reinforce the theory: -- Managing tourism: illustrates how a tourism-related process or company has been managed and the issues involved in doing so -- Contemporary issue: a brief case study which discusses a contemporary tourism issue such as the formation of strategic airline alliances, sex tourism, and the importance of international students as a component of Australian tourism -- Breakthrough tourism: discusses a leading edge company, destination or development in the tourism sector -- Technology in tourism: highlights the increasing role of technology tools and systems in the tourism industry * A chapter review which summarises the key points of each chapter and contains a summary of key concepts arranged to show the links between concepts and their subconcepts * Discussion questions, practical exercises and a case study in each chapter