Frommer"s Germany 2000 (Country Annual)
Price 25.65 USD
21898630681, 9780028630687, 9780028630687
Darwin Porter
Year of production
Tourism to Germany is on the upswing, and 2000 promises to be a big year. Expo 2000, to be hosted in Hannover next summer, is expected to lure 20 million guests, and thousands of tourists are also expected for the famous Oberammergau Passion Play, which is only staged once a decade.Frommer"s covers all the highlights of this intriguing and incredibly scenic country. "The Best of Germany" is our opinionated list of the country"s best castles and palaces, the best hotels, the best beer halls, and more. We"ll steer readers to the top places to stay and dine, no matter what their budget, and provide a complete sightseeing guide to baroque architecture, Rhine River cruises, beer gardens, the Bavarian Alps, and more.