Smart Homes for Dummies

Welcome to the new millennium and the next step in home technology. Replace your telephone with a computer. Power up your burglar alarm from a PC that"s miles away. Turn lights on and off with a click of your mouse, or plan and build your meals without stepping into the kitchen (well, almost?there"s still dishes to do).In short, discover how to network your entire home and remote control everything with the smart home" technology that"s available today. Smart Homes For Dummies guides you step-by-step through everything you need to know about automating your home, from advanced security to home theater entertainment centers. Find out what it takes to turn your home into a state-of-the-art entertainment and communications center, and discover the benefits of home networking, from Internet access in every room to monitoring the baby from your living room TV.Decide what to buy -- and what to avoid -- in the absence of universal standards for "smart homes," and get the lowdown on competing home systems from X-10 and IBM Home Director to CEBUS and Intellon. Explore a wonderful wide world of wireless products, and secure and protect your investment with an integrated security system. Build the home of the future today with the smart advice you find in Smart Homes For Dummies.