i-Net+ Certification for Dummies

So you want i-Net+ Certification, but you don"t want to spend every waking hour studying? Have no fear -- i-Net+ Certification For Dummies is here.Delivered in plain language and in a fun, entertaining style, this book can shorten your study time and help you pass the i-Net+ certification exam. The book reviews the essentials of the Internet and helps you hone your test-taking skills. Plus, i-Net+ Certification For Dummies includes a companion CD-ROM loaded with hundreds of practice questions, the entertaining QuickLearn® sci-fi study game, and several test-prep software demos.Each chapter features reviews of key study subjects, self-assessment tests to see what you already know, and tips to help you manage and save time while studying or taking the exam. This book can really help you get up to speed on Internet technology!Covers: Exam IKO-001