Resumes for Dummies

Dummies keep getting smarter. That"s why we"ve updated Resumes For Dummies, 3rd Edition, to keep you one step ahead for the 21st century. Starting with all the tips and tricks you"ll need to showcase your skills and abilities on paper, this edition also takes you into the world of the cyber-resume. Recent grads and veteran workers alike can benefit from the strategies, worksheets, and sage advice from author and nationally recognized careers expert Joyce Lain Kennedy. Whether you"re sending online or off, you"ll find out how to create resumes that dazzle with a strong first impression and leave a lasting impact with potential employers. From choosing the right resume style to putting the right spin on employment gaps, lack of experience, or frequent job hopping, Resumes For Dummies, 3rd Edition, brings you up to speed with everything you need for finding the right job in today"s market.