The Little Book of Investment Dos and Donts: More Common Sense for Everyone (Little Books. Big Profits)

The name John C. Bogle—or ‘Saint Jack” as he is sometimes referred to by legions of investors who adore his simple but sound advice—has been synonymous with index investing and common sense. In his second little book, Bogle delivers what he delivers best: more mission-critical common sense for individual investors. In his second little book, he reflects about all the essential do’s and don’ts of creating a wonderful life for investors, entrepreneurs, business leaders – and other folks with a fundamental desire to see capitalism thrive and prosper. In this capstone little book, he shares more wisdom about investing on topics and themes that he finds constantly showing up in his “Ask Jack” mailbox. But this is not just a book for investors; Bogle daringly reaches a step beyond to questions about the “road less traveled” for managers, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and future generations who must depend on their own critical thinking and “enough” gene to make the whole system survive. For those who can never get enough of Bogle, here comes more verities and common sense from one of the most powerful thinkers about capitalism and investing.