The ACT for Dummies

What would you think of a test preparation guide that"s actually fun to read? If you think that studying for the ACT means memorizing long lists of mathematical theorems and seven-syllable words, think again! Written in the famously friendly ...For Dummies style, The ACT For Dummies, 2nd Edition, takes the drudgery out of studying -- and zeros in on exactly what you need to know to score high on the test.The ACT For Dummies, 2nd Edition, gives you plain-English explanations, a tear-out cheat sheet, two complete sample exams and practice questions, and top ten lists (such as ten wrong rumors about the ACT, ten things that colleges want, and ten dumb things you can do to mess up your ACT).Discover how toGet your best possible scoreMaster critical reading passagesReview only the math you really needTackle science reasoning questionsSpot trick questionsEase your test-taking anxietyYou can have your ACT together in no time with The ACT For Dummies, 2nd Edition!