World Tables, 1994 (World Bank)
Price 42.55 USD
"World Tables" provides up-to-date economic, demographic and social data for 160 economies plus basic indicators for some 50 additional economies. Like its predecessors, this edition provides historical time series based on the World Bank"s ongoing collection and analysis of data on its member countries. The data are updated annually and focus on national accounts, international transactions and other indicators of development. The 1994 edition presents annual data, organized both by topic and by country, covering 1972-92. The topical pages report GNP, GDP, domestic savings and investment, imports and exports, and other economic indicators for individual countries, geographic regions and income groups. The country pages consist of four-page tables for most of the World Bank"s members, presenting data on GNP per capita, population, origin and use of resources, domestic prices, manufacturing activity, monetary holdings, central government finances, foreign trade, balance of payments, and external debt. In addition, the volume includes a section on sources and methods, a glossary of terms and general and country-specific notes. In devising its time series, the Bank uses methodologies and historical files developed by other international organizations and adds information obtained directly from the countries. Related data drawn from diverse sources are standardized using methods and concepts applicable to all countries.