Lighting Your Own Fuse - A Glossary of Mission, Vision, and Passion: "A Glossary of Mission, Vision, and Passion"

Unlike so many other leadership, management, and self-help books, “A Glossary of Mission, Vision, and Passion” is written with punch and verve, reminding us who we are and what we can be, especially during times of stress. This illuminating book serves as a snappy reminder how to stay out of our own way. Here are just a few of the terms found within. Complacency – a full set of encyclopedias There is the story about an ad someone found in the Christian Science Monitor. It read, “Full set of encyclopedias for sale, never been used; husband knows everything.” In the dating process when our hormones are popping or our testosterone levels are high; we do not miss doing everything and being everything under the sun for that other person. But then we begin to take things for granted. We begin to say, “Well, she knows I love her. I don’t have to do that so much for her anymore.” “He knows I love him; I don’t have to listen as attentively as I did before.” “The boss knows I care, I don’t have to come in early every day like I used to.” Then all of sudden someone takes off with our job, with our employee, with our customers or our business, our wife or our husband, and we act shocked. But we became complacent. What you implied when you first signed on is a contract. What you implied when you were courting and wooing and pleasing your partner was a contract. When you break a contract, which means you stopped doing what made your relationship in a job or at home successful in the first place, you are out of integrity. Eleventh Commandment Thou shalt not covet thy co-worker’s position or job title unless thou hast worked thy butt off to attain the same aptitude, develop the same interpersonal skills, continued your education, taken the same classes, made the same sacrifices, and shown the same patience as they did regardless of the rating or title with which they came into the organization or department. And you, if you came in with a higher rating, had better be continuing to show up as a person who is patient, humble, empathetic, always working on your skills as well, and most importantly seeking to share your knowledge with all others. For thou knowest about thine ego… Ego – the ego hates its own funeral “The ego hates its own funeral.” Dr.Viktor Frankle, author, neurologist, psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor Self-talk – I don’t have to believe a word I’m saying Remember that nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it. The key to freedom is that I don’t have to believe a word I am saying. If your self-talk is negative you can gently say, “Thank you for sharing,” and keep going. A warrior can tame the cobra of fear. Warriors either live from their vision or they live from their story. Your fears are your story. Your strength is also your story. When you create a story with one or the other you own it, then it owns you. Take an accident prone person for example; what do they focus on? That’s right, having accidents! A warrior concentrates on inner power. Star Wars – Luke, It Is Your Destiny I want to take this idea of being who you were made to be one step further. Your ancestors developing wiles and guiles, showing courage and stamina, perfecting craft and stealth and manifesting true grit, did not survive dinosaurs and wild animals, starvations and pestilence, raids and marauders, wars and diasporas; then a boat or land crossing, then more wars, civil or world, for you to disgrace your bloodlines by quitting or not doing your best, in fact doing more than your best. Indeed, it is these times where the survival experiences and hardships that formed the blood coursing through your veins shows up and shows off. You have a lot to offer. Your ancestors’ sacrifices demand it; your friends and family need it, your future generations expect it: They want the modeling and you’re it!